Population: 2,500
Location: Latitude: 49�°08'00" Longitude: 123�°55'00"
Native Bands: Coast Salish First Nation (Tliyamen) (Sun-now-netz) (Kull-eets') (Klup'-nitz)
Name Place and History:
R26;The community around Osborne Bay is called the town of Crofton. Home of the world famous Crofton Pulp Mill. The mill was built in 1958 and is running to this day.
The bay
Sherard Osborn R.N., C.CB,(25 April 1822 � 6 May 1875), was a Royal Navy admiral, author, and Arctic explorer.
Son of Colonel Edward Osborn, of the Madras army; born 25 April, 1822. Entered the navy 1837. Served first on the East India station, and parts of the journal he kept were afterwards published , 1857, under the title of "quedah, or Stray Leaves from a journal in Malayan waters."
Passed his examination in December, 1843, and after going through the gunnery course in the "Excellent" was appointed gunnery mate of the "Collingwood", fitting out for this station as flagship of Rear Admiral Sir George Seymour. On 4 May, 1846, was promoted to lieutenant of the "Collingwood", and returned to England in her in the summer of 1848. He was promoted to commander in 1852 for services in the Arctic searching Expedition, under Captain Austin for Sir John Franklin, 185-1851; and was again engaged in the Arctic ocean, under Sir Edward Belcher, 1852-1854, when his vessel, the Pioneer, the "Resolute", "Assistance" and "Intrepid" were ababandoned. The two former much against their commanders' wishes. Early in 1855, during the Russian war, he commanded H.M. paddle sloop Vesuvius in the Black sea, where he took part in the capture of "Kertch" and "Yenikale", and after the death of Captain Lyons remained as senior officer in the Sea of Azov in the "Medusa".
Captain , 1855. Created C.B. 1856, for his services in the Russian war. In 1857 appointed to the steam frigate "Furious", and escorte asquadron of gunboasts to China, which were of valuable service to the war in Canton.
Took his frigate up the river to Hankow, and for this service he and the master, Stephen Court, received the thanks of the Admiral.
Returned to England , 1859, having just returned from Portsmouth to wish the officers farewell on Nares' expedition to the Arctic, in which exploration Admiral Osborn always took the greatest interest. Named by Captain Richards, H.M.S. "Plumper", 1859.
In 1873 the Settlement around Osborne Bay was incorporated into the District of North Cowichan.
The community founded the town of Crofton in 1902 by Henry Croft, who owned the nearby Lenora copper mine at Mount Sicker.
R26; Croft built a Smelter in 1902. Copper production continued from 1898 to 1908. The price of copper dropped. The smelter closed in January 1908. It wasen't until the 50's that Crofton came back into the limelight as a result of BC Forest Products investing in the $25,000,000. construction of a new pulp mill at Crofton. Employment of 450 people to build and 750 people to run it was forcasted.
Catalyst Crofton Pulp Mill
R26;Sludge at the Crofton pulp and paper mill are today being processed into biogas and fertilizer.
Catalyst Crofton Pulp Mill is testing an anaerobic digestion technology as part of a $6.12 million demonstration project that will turn some of the effluent produced at its Crofton pulp and paper mill into renewable energy.
R26; The Old School House Museum , a one-room schoolhouse built in 1905
R26; Ferry to Vesuvius, Salt Spring Island. Short twenty five minute ride.
R26; Cowichan Valley Regional Parks.
R26; Town has a post office, Pub, groceries and laundry mats.
Osborne Bay Regional Park
61.7 acres, beach, swimming, picnic, boat launching, clam digging.
R26; Hiking Trails
R26; Maple Mountain,
R26; Richards Trail
R26; Mt. Prevost
Communities near Osborne Bay:
R26;Cassidy, BC
R26;Cedar, BC
R26;Salt Spring Island, BC
R26;Ladysmith, BC
R26;Nanaimo, BC
R26;Thetis Island, BC
R26;Westholme, BC
R26;Yellow Point, BC